Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 5

Friday was presentation day. The first group to present was the gaming group. In my opinion Chuck and Reggie were a bit boring- but the next two people from their group seemed to liven up the presentation. The day seemed to drag a bit at first, but some of the presentations went over their 35-40 minutes. I really loved all of the information about augmented reality. It looks like it would be expensive to implement in the classroom as an educational tool. The open content looks very practical to implement in the classroom. Our group presented Electronic books and it had some problems. First,  we all were not in the room when he wanted us to start. Then, we had to use Jill's computer and the remote wouldn't work and sometimes the slide was clicked before we were ready. We failed to show an exciting new e-book that Dr. Holder found. The presentation did meet the guidelines for the required time. (37 minutes) The day ended with Dr. Holder going over the post assignment and prayer. Daphne and I got on the road about 4;30 and by the time I got home after dropping her off it was midnight. I was exhausted to say the least and didn't write this post until Saturday morning. I have to work at my other job tonight and all day tomorrow so I won't get to my post assignments until Monday. The summer is quickly coming to an end and I haven't even been to school much to organize for the coming year. I hope I can get to school next week before pre-planning begins.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 4

Today started out with information on digital photography. It was so interesting to me to understand what is involved with taking a picture. We learned how to crop pictures and insert them into other pictures. I am actually in the market for a new camera to get my students involved with some documenting. The audio podcasting was so much fun! We all worked together in one aspect or another. I worked on the dialogue, Daphne spoke, and Tamara and Jill did the recording and computer work. The team worked together and we managed to produce an answer to the one-sided conversation. The conversation can be found on the discussion board under electronic games.

Evening 3 again!

This is the video that we worked with Tiffany on. I was having some trouble uploading it Wednesday night. I was trying to post the whole video instead of just trying to post the link.  

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Evening 3

The web quest  is It is an exciting lesson on the novel The Help.    


Day 3

Our class started out with a story of Dr. Holder's anxiety. He recited Phil. 4:4-6. Be anxious for nothing. We discussed the On-line community and the history of the internet.  The elements of the online community are professional, educational, organizational, social and activism. I really enjoyed the Webquest and will definitely use this for my class next year. I am excited about creating various Webquests for my students to have access to. This video is another one we created for your pleasure!  

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 1

I do not know where my blog went for Day 1. I reported that I thought this class would not be so bad and Dr. Holder seemed to set my mind at ease about my shortcomings in technology. We arranged ourselves in our groups and our group is researching E-books in the classroom. My aspect is researching the cost and applications of electronic textbooks in the classroom.  I am hoping I can improve a little in this field of technology.

Day 2

Today started out with a story about two young men in Dr. Holder's class. This story illustrated how we need to view each student individually and without bias. We were introduced to end-note which is an amazing tool to aid in our writing with our research. I am very overwhelmed! My computer (an old mac) would not upload many of the applications we discussed. The making of the video was done by using Quik-Time player and much mentoring by one of my partners in our group. We chose the beach because we all love spending time at the beach. I also enjoyed the instruction on how to download youtube videos to the desktop to able to share them with my class. I am hoping tomorrow will not be so overwhelming!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Technology enhances learning for this generation of learners! I need to become more adept at new strategies for implementing technologies into the classroom!